Tuesday, October 27, 2009


New Post!

If your like me then you OBVIOUSLY love to try stuff, but with the new Windows 7 out, do you really want to re-download over 2 years of software? If no, then Ninite is the site for you!
Ninite lets you download 59 "IMPORTANT" software for your computers! It's FREE and effective! Great if your switching Computers or OS and don't want to have to trace back your download history. LOL!

Windows 7 part 2

New Post!

I finally got a copy of Windows 7 that was spreading amongst school teens and I will tell you all straight ahead! IT IS FASTER than VISTA! I am serious, I am using it in a controlled Virtualbox environment running with 534 RAM, 20 GB of memory (I can also add more) and it was fast! You can get browsing as soon as you get it!
Some sites to help you crossover From XP/Vista to Windows 7:
and my favorite, a Techxav site: http://techxav.com/2009/10/27/ninite/

I will post more on Ninite in ANOTHER post! Stay tuned!
Tip: BACK UP! It is simple and effective!
