Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Portable battery

New Post!

Your typing and your computer says low battery and you have nowhere to charge, you have no extra battery, what would you do? Well, what i will do is plug in my back battery which can make it last about an hour and use that. This new battery is still not in the market but officals have BIG plans for it. If you want more, check out 
Credits to Cnet

Internet in space

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In the nearby future as NASA builds moon bases on the moon, the Internet would get an upgrade. The technology is still being developed but the Military and some other organizations have their eyes on it. The idea is to send packets through satellites into space and radio stations on the moon will bounce it that back. This would help with geotagging, submarines would get information quicker and enable communication with the moon or other objects in space.
Credits to Cnet.


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President-elect Barack Obama is going to hand over his most trusted gadget over. If you haven't heard the news, you sure have now. Any guesses on what it might be?
Comment with the answer, first person gets a post about them and their achivements!

Animoto TEST!

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I created a TEST video to experiment with Animoto features and it was good, check it out @, comments are ACCEPTED!
