You like being creative and have loads of interesting pictures to show but you have to do it manually, then you should try John's Background Switcher @ This funky tool is a free software whoch lets you select a folder with all your favorite pictures in it and lets you change your desktop background to preview them. You get pictures from a website and time the intervels between each picture. I have been using it and it is amazing. You can get it or download @ Please leave any comments of concerns what so ever and we would be more than happy to help.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
New Post!
Digsby is a Multi IM messenger that lets you chat, read mail and post all at once. Its designed for simplicty and you get regular updates everyday automatically; as soon as you restart your computr and load disgby up, you have the upates. I have been using Digsby and I find it interesting and fun to use. Digsby is free to download at Have fun and explore, leave comments for any concerns what so ever that you might have and we will be more than happy to help.
New Post! is a site that offers a lot of features including webchats, phone apps, pc apps, etc. It lets you uses file sharing, call, chat, text messenging, etc. Explore and give feedback!
New Post!
FreeRinger is owned by talkster and is powered by Flash. FreeRinger gives you FREE phone calls over the internet. I am still checking it out and i will let you know more. Special thanks to KidTechGuru.
New Post!
KidTechGuru is a blogger and a student. He blogs on tech news that i don't know about. Special thanks to Mrs. Ann Krembs for telling me on Twitter about him. Check his site out on
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